New regulations for companies: Legislative Decree 231/01 The Firm also deals with the new regulations that gradually follow one another in the Italian scene and which invest the entrepreneurial interest. As an example, the Legislative Decree n. 231 of 2001 with which the legislator, innovating a part of the criminal law, introduced the principle that legal entities, companies and bodies can be declared responsible for the commission of certain types of crimes. The series of crimes is multiple and includes crimes related to workplace safety and environmental protection. The consultancy work is embodied in the construction of prevention models for the exemption of responsibility of the institution and the subjects involved. The international scope the Firm, also with the help of its headquarters in Europe, deals with the domiciliation of national and international disputes, advice on new directives and / or regulations and on the decisions and guidelines of the European Commission, including on the issue of tax status, advice on economic development projects assisted by grants and assistance for filing appeals to European jurisdictional bodies. The consultancy also deals with the regulation of patents, bankruptcy, tax and real estate, which enjoy special facilities in Belgium and Luxembourg. All these services can be shared through a studio domicile and carried out within a global audit that can be studied in depth.